Ambientazione Quadro Opera 'Original Duck’s Gallery' di M. Rossino, un'interna di galleria d'arte arricchita da una spensierata rielaborazione di figure e quadri classici, su di una parete.

Distinctive style

Welcome to the Duck's Gallery, an exclusive artistic collection by Michelangelo Rossino dedicated to the world of the Ducks, and all the characters of the Duckburg .

🦆🎨 With a distinctive style and a touch of genius, Rossino transforms the daily adventures of these beloved characters into works of art that capture the imagination and the heart.

Find out more'
Ambientazione Quadro Impressioni artistiche d'anatroccolo con 'Norman Duckwell' di Rossino, un'intelligente fusione di arte e umorismo in una serigrafia limitata.

Each piece is a window into stories steeped in humor, friendship and adventure, offering a fresh and engaging perspective on timeless cultural icons. Get ready to discover the magic of Duck's Gallery and see your favorite characters in an extraordinary new light.